• Hosted 2,255 participants across 93 sessions for Touchstone Energy’s premier Service Excellence training helping shine the light on the value of the cooperative business model and how to leverage it to the benefit of co-op members.

  • Our Admire & Acquire Library reached 93 articles on member engagement best practices, helping members learn from one another and share their successes.

  • Hosted 10 educational webinars and seminars with co-op employees on findings from our research program, Questline expert content, and other topics to help members expand value and engagement.

  • Reached thousands of cooperative staff through targeted training and communications efforts.

  • Hosted 8 in-person Member Engagement Workshops with co-op employees.

  • 72 staff speaking engagements at member and industry events.

  • 7,000 LinkedIn Learning users viewed 245,291 educational videos.

  • Monthly SEVEN ON 7 podcast reached 25 episodes and 1,600 downloads.