Exploring Key Drivers of Member Satisfaction

Hear from these leaders on how they rely on their core business model during times of change. Each of them shares different perspectives on coping with adversity, community changes and bringing innovation to their co-ops. These ongoing efforts are key as leaders continue to strive to meet member needs which is essential to co-op stability and member satisfaction.

Core Values, Innovation to Meet Community Needs

John D Hewa, President & CEO at Rappahannock Electric Cooperative (VA)  guides us through innovations at his co-op on reliability, data management and expanding affiliates to meet member needs. 

Core Values in Action: Innovation

Douglas Remboldt, CEO at NISC reveals valuable tips on the importance of the connection between technology tools and the value it brings to the member. 

Core Values in Action: Integrity

Cameron Smallwood, General Manager and CEO at United Cooperative Services (TX) shares about his co-op’s efforts in rebuilding their financial stability following one of their greatest challenges a few winters ago. 

Core Values in Action: Accountability & Community Under the Hurricane

Denise Vidal, Executive Vice President, and CEO at LCEC (FL) speaks on how strong values helped her co-op overcome one of the most devastating hurricanes to hit Florida and how core values are the very essence of our cooperatives.