Options for getting your ACSI® score that match your needs and budget!

The American Customer Satisfaction Index has been a long-time benefit of membership in Touchstone Energy. Each year hundreds of co-ops benchmark their performance against industry averages and their own past performance. We have several ways to get your score that take into consideration co-op staff bandwidth and budget realities. There is no barrier to getting a score that we can’t help you address so take the plunge and start your journey toward a clearer picture of your member-owners' views. And each quarter, Touchstone Energy will release the Top 5 Touchstone Energy ACSI Scores and the Top 5 Broadband Scores across the country!

Member Satisfaction and Loyalty Research Options

Member Benefit ACSI Research

  • ACSI DIY: Touchstone Energy will provide your team with a survey link and QR code that you can distribute to your member-owners via billing, website, and email outreach. ACSI will tabulate the score once you have collected sufficient qualified responses. Up to 4 scores each year are Free to Touchstone Energy Co-ops.
  • ACSI SHiNE Survey: Touchstone Energy can add a web survey collection tool to your SHiNE (or Co-op Web Builder) site allowing you to continuously collect ACSI score and other feedback from member owners. ACSI will tabulate the score once you have collected sufficient qualified responses. Up to 4 scores each year are Free to Touchstone Energy Co-ops.
  • ACSI Level Two Survey: Touchstone Energy members can work directly with ACSI to conduct a comprehensive survey that includes industry-specific metrics such as reliability of electric service, ease of understanding your bill, website satisfaction, member-demographics, Net Promoter Score® calculation, and verbatim comments. ACSI will tabulate the score and create your customized report once enough qualified responses have been collected. One level two report each year is Free to Touchstone Energy Co-ops if they have not received any other ACSI scores in the calendar year.

Additional Out-Sourced Research

  • Custom Member Satisfaction and Loyalty Research: Interested in more research about your member-owner views?  Connect with one of our Research Supporters on a project that will give you additional insights and benchmarking.  You will work directly with your selected research firm to outline the scope of work.  The firm will collect your member-owner responses.  ACSI Score is free to Touchstone Energy Co-ops. Your engagement of a research firm will be an additional charge.
  • Be a Part of the National Survey on the Cooperative Difference: Since this annual report was first commissioned, hundreds of cooperatives across the country have opted to be a part of the NSCD. Participants receive an ACSI score and custom reports in each area covered in the annual report. Members work directly with Cooperative Insights, who conducts the research for this annual study. ACSI Score is free to Touchstone Energy Co-ops. Your engagement with Cooperative Insights will be an additional charge.

Touchstone Energy Research & Contact Information

Research & Best Practices

Members can visit cooperative.com for additional information on Touchstone Energy Research Opportunities.

Join Touchstone Energy & Benefit Now

Is your co-op ready to take the plunge to learn more about your member-owner satisfaction and loyalty? 




Contact Brent.Nussbaum@nreca.coop to learn how you can benefit from joining Touchstone Energy.