By changing a few of your habits, you can great a green yardscape that protects the environment and helps you save money.

Sustainable Landscaping: 5 Eco-Friendly Yard Ideas


House on sunny day with well-tailored landscaping

To have a truly eco-friendly yard, you need to consider both the resources you put into lawncare and the output of waste in your lawn and gardens. But did you know that making a few green choices outside can actually help you save money on your energy bills inside, too? Follow these tips to transform your home's landscape and save money.

Water responsibly

Practice xeriscaping — a process that reduces the need for irrigation — to save water. This can be done by placing plants that have similar water requirements together. You can also swap out more water-hungry grasses for drought-resistant variants, and utilize succulents and native plants in your landscape design.

Opt for eco-friendly materials

Reusing concrete and glass from other projects can reduce the carbon dioxide produced during the manufacturing process. Choose adobe or terra cotta bricks — which don't require kilns — and select stones found inland rather than in quarries. Avoid toxins by staying away from treated lumber, artificially dyed mulch and rubber mulch.

Plant a tree

Reducing energy use for air conditioning can be as simple as strategically planting a tree in your yard. Shading your home from the summer sun can reduce temperatures by up to 9 degrees. Choose the best tree based on the shape of your home and the height, shadow size and growth rate of the tree.

Cut down on chemicals

Fertilizers and herbicides that strip the soil of nutrients and harm the environments aren't necessary to maintain a healthy lawn. Instead, use organic fertilizer and natural pest control. Insecticidal soaps and oil sprays can take care of mites and mealybugs, and ladybugs can naturally manage aphids.

Utilize solar power

If you host a lot of outdoor gatherings or enjoy sitting outside at night, you'll likely want to add some outdoor lighting. Rather than relying on electrical lighting, consider adding a solar-powered system. It won't require underground wiring, is easier to install, and saves electricity by charging naturally during the day.

With these tips, you're well on your way to a greener and healthier lawn that can protect the environment and help you save money, too.

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