Commercial and industrial facilities can benefit from a deep cleaning at least once a year, and spring is the perfect time.

Deep Clean Your Facility and Save


Spring cleaning is an annual ritual practiced by millions of homeowners across the country. Commercial and industrial facilities can also benefit from a deep cleaning at least once per year, and spring is the perfect time. Deep cleaning not only enhances the appearance of your building, it also improves indoor air quality and lowers your operating costs. Spruce up the following areas.

Cooling system. Keeping your cooling system clean is an effective, cost-saving measure that's often overlooked. Most air conditioning units remain dormant throughout the winter. Dust and dirt buildup in system components, ductwork and vents can lead to lingering odors and indoor air quality issues, as well as maintenance problems and higher operating costs. Have your system cleaned and inspected by a qualified professional. A clean system helps keep employees healthy and productive.

Windows. A significant amount of dirt and grime builds up on windows during the winter. Washing windows will improve the appearance of your building, brighten the indoor environment and the added daylight — combined with dimming controls — can save money by reducing your need for costly artificial light. Increased amounts of daylight have also been shown to improve employee productivity.

Lighting systems. Dust buildup on lamps and fixtures reduces their effectiveness and lowers light levels. Cleaning lamps, fixtures and lenses brightens your facility and increases lighting efficiency. When employees can see better, the quality of their work improves and the potential for costly accidents is reduced.

Floors. Soiled carpets and dirt buildup in corners and under furniture and equipment often results in indoor air pollution and other contaminants, which may cause allergies and respiratory problems. Cleaning hard surface flooring helps prevent falls.

Walls and ceilings. Dirt collects on walls and ceilings, reducing the amount of light they reflect. Cleaning or painting walls in small rooms will help to brighten the work area and enhance the effectiveness of natural lighting while improving productivity.

Machinery. Motors use a substantial amount of energy in production facilities and many commercial buildings. Overheating can result from the accumulation of dirt and other foreign matter on motor components, causing excessive wear and reducing overall efficiency. After cleaning the outside of the motor to remove dirt and grease, carefully disassemble the unit and thoroughly clean all parts.

Outside. Washing the building's exterior and sprucing up your landscape makes your facility more attractive to employees, visitors and customers. Sealing and weatherstripping doors and windows improves comfort and efficiency. For long-term savings, plant leafy trees around the south and west sides of your facility. They provide cooling shade in summer and, when the leaves fall, allow the warm sun to shine through on cold winter days.

Clean green

Using green cleaning products isn't only good for the health of your indoor environment, it can help enhance your public image, too. A Harris Interactive poll found that 84% of adults prefer to do business with companies using environmentally friendly products and practices. Select cleaning products that are Green Seal certified or meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Safer Choice program requirements.

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